
Showing posts from January, 2023

I/W/B/W Assignment

 The internet. Everyone has heard of it, and just about everyone with access uses it on a daily basis. Without it, our society would not be running the way that it is. The internet is defined as "a worldwide system of computer networks -- a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer". In the mid 1960s, the interned was developed as a resource for government officials to share and gather information. Now, the internet is used for a wide variety of different tasks such as business, research, shopping, AI development, and so many endless possibilites.  The World Wide Web ( WW W ) is an information system of websites and web - based applications that are connected to each other through the use of links and more specific hyperlinks. It was created in 1989 by a computer scientist named Sir Tim Bern ers - Lee while working at C ERN in Switzerland . He developed th

Illustrator Homework 1

 1. Video 1 This is a very in-depth video that covers just about all the basics of adobe illustrator. It is a 3 & 1/2 hour video, so full disclosure, I only watched about the first 15 min of it. This first bit of the video goes in depth on the properties of the document that is pulled up. I thought it was interesting how you can change units from as big as "inches" down to single "pixels" unit. These are such a large difference and I think it could be challenging to know when to use which unit. Also, the video goes over how and when it is smart to use a grid to align and place different pieces of information onto the screen. Because I am unfamiliar with the program, I think it will take some getting used to in order to know when and how to use features.  2. Video 2 This video discusses and shows examples of how to start a "document" from scratch. He talks about the different templates and file sizes and types to choose from when creating a new file. A


 Letter To My Future Self Dear future self,     I hope you have kept your morals, values, and priorities at the forefront of your mind through all the happiness, confusion, and hardships of the past 20 years. I am writing this from January of 2023, which will likely seem like forever ago when you are reading this 20 years from now. You really never know what life will throw at you, huh? Sometimes things come naturally to us, and in other not-so-lucky circumstances, we struggle a little bit. It seems like every single decision I make at this point in my life, I am making based on how it will affect my future. Which is kind of ironic, considering I am writing to my future self.       Deciding where to go to college was a very difficult and stressful time in our life. You know how the process went. Deciding to go to UTampa was a very last-minute decision, but it has been the absolute best decision of our life. We have always known that we thrive near the beach or in an urban setting, the

FMX #1 Blog

       Hi everyone. My name is Carson Tomey. I am a 19-year-old sophomore here at UT and am excited to be taking FMX this semester. When I started at UT, I was a business management. My first two semesters were very difficult for me as most of my classes had to do with math in some way, even if they were not considered math classes. I have always struggled with math my entire life, no matter how much time and effort I put into it. I am a very hands on, project oriented person. After taking so many exam heavy and math related courses, I realized this major was not for me. Mid way through last semester I decided to switch to AD/PR major and start taking less exam heavy and more project oriented classes. Part of me felt guilty for "giving up" on my major because it was so difficult. However, I have learned that I am expanding my interests and trying new things can be a very good thing! This is my first semester in the COC with classes geared towards project based learning, and i