Illustrator homework 2

 For me, being in a state of play means being in a completely calm and worry-free mindset of creativity and joy. This means being very present in the moment and not concerned about other things that might cause stress. Also, no mental or physical distractions going on around me. Being in this mindset is the best way to be when you need to be creative and collaborate with others. Ideas and thoughts flow much smoother when in this "state of play".

I typically have the freest mind to be creative and come up with my best, original ideas when I am somewhere that makes me very comfortable and relaxed. For me, I have always really enjoyed being around the beach, on a boat, in warm weather, etc... I also usually discover my best ideas when I'm taking a break from work and allowing my mind to wander free of distractions. Whether I'm on a walk, listening to music, or reading a book, I find that I'm able to think more clearly and come up with interesting ideas when I am doing something that I enjoy. Any time I create any kind of "art" it usually has to do with editing photos. I really enjoy enhancing photos and making them more vibrant or visually appealing. I travel very often and take pictures of a lot of really cool places, I find peace in going back and spending time with these photos and enhancing them.

I chose this piece of art by Paula Scher because it captures so much more than just a map. While at a glance you can clearly see the united states, there is a lot going on in the piece. For me, when I look at this piece of artwork, I feel like it captures the "noise" and craziness that so many Americans experience daily just as a part of life. Most Americans live very busy and "noisy" lives which sometimes allows us very little time to be in a state of play and I think this image captures that idea very well.


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